Losing a high end smartphone is the most hated thing to happen in any user’s life. This is not only a big loss of money but also your contact and other vital data, which you have stored inside your device. Most of the time the users fear that the data or contacts found in the device would be misused by the person stealing or finding the Android based phones.

However, with the recent update coming in the form of lock and password reset features in Android Device Manager, the users can have sign of relief. This feature simply helps the users to remotely lock down their Android phones in case it is stolen or lost, using the internet. Let’s check the overview of this how to lock and password reset feature introduced in Android Device Manager by Google.

Last month Google was seen rolling out with a new and critical feature for Android Device Manager, which helps in finding out the location of the device and with remote wipe feature. In this feature, Google was seen embarking with a new function of remote lock and password reset features, which gives a right peace of mind to the users who have lost their Android based smartphone devices.

This feature also is empowered with location tracking feature, which helps the users to wipe out the data in case you do not find your smartphone or tablet irretrievable. With this you also get additional feature of locking your Android phones with extra layer of protection, which at times you can think of applying before wiping out the entire data remotely.

This feature can be activated on any Android based smartphone or tablet device, which is working on Android 2.2 or greater version.  While using the same, you need to keep in mind that the Android Device Manager is switched on over your mobile phone without fail then only it will work.

You are then supposed to sign into the Android Device Manager over the internet with the help of an account, which is related with your device. The request for locking your device would instantly be enabled if your Android device comes under any cellular or WiFi network. However, if you find the device switched off or into the Airplane mode, the feature of lock would not work and thus have to wait for the moment it establishes the data connection.

Locking your lost or stolen Android phone is an option for you if you find any probability of recovering your smartphone. So, if you are able to recover your lost phone, you can simply reset the password and put a new password.

If nothing seems to be working, then you have the last security resort, which comes in the form or wiping out the entire data found in your device. However, this is only tried when you do not have any hope of getting your home back to you. This can at least prevent the data being away from the malicious minds.

If your Android phone or tablet is lost, you do not have to worry about the data being misused by anyone. With this lock and password reset features and other functions in it; you can play safe via the Android Device Manager.

About author : Brianne Walter is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade. These days she is busy to contributes on luxury home design

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