Well, if you’re an Instragram user, you may not be a big fan of the way the app itself looks. While the iOS version of the app has been getting polishing update after polishing update, it seems like the Android version has been stuck in some kind of a time warp. Thankfully, with Flat Instagram, you can get a brand new look for the app combined with transparency effects that can be used in Android KitKat.
While the iOS app has been getting most of the attention when it comes to layout and design, Android has been pushed to the side. As such, the Android Instagram looks out of touch and out of date compared to its iOS counterpart. Thankfully, developer Krishneelg3 and other members of the XDA developers forum have put out their own “skin” of the popular photo and video sharing app.
Flat Instagram is their solution to the way they think Instagram SHOULD look like in Android, including tabbed options on the bottom as well as a translucent design for KitKat.
Both the original Instagram app and Flat Instagram can be installed at the same time on a device, but it would help to have only one in case of any bugs popping up. Flat Instagram is compatible with Android 2.2 and higher, so hopefully, most everyone will be able to run it on his or her device. Links on how to download and install the app are listed over at the thread on the XDA Developers Forum.
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