The basic principles behind Kings of Parking 3D can be quickly described: in each level, the player's task is to maneuver vehicles as quickly as possible to the designated parking area. In the beginning, you’ll quickly master the art of parking, but as the game progresses, the difficulty increases and you are asked to complete much more complex tasks.
Divided into levels, the player needs to park the car and beat the clock all while ensuring that no damage is done and that you get three stars. This concept is already known from games like Angry Birds or Plants vs Zombies, however in Kings of Parking 3D, they’ve omitted entirely a framework for action. Here you’ll find the subject of parking under time pressure, packed into a funny story. Though the game is quite good, I feel like there is more room here for growth.
Overall, the fleet of cars includes four different kinds of vehicles, each level stars one of the four cars. It starts off with a school bus and then the levels become increasingly harder. Next to the bus, there’s a sedan, a sports car and the Android truck, which can be unlocked only with a "Like" on Facebook. In the free version, you need to complete a chapter before having access to the next one.
Overall Kings of Parking 3D was well done, although I found the total length of the game to be too short. Given the fact that it is free, I wouldn’t say that this is a negative point. There is still room for improvement in their choice for the controls. Although the developer implemented the MOGA controller just recently, more options for on-screen operation would have been appreciated. For example, the size of controllers or an adjustment to the camera angles.
Screen & ControlsIn a game like Kings of Parking 3D, it’s difficult to make a distinction between controls and functionality. How fun the game is, is significantly influenced by the game’s controls, especially in this genre.
Although it was generally well done, there is still room for improvement. The automatic camera is particularly frustrating because it switches on its own which isn’t always to your advantage. With limited parking maneuvers, the perspective would suddenly change and the player loses important parts of the image.
Though you are able to switch to a manual camera, this costs you valuable seconds from your score. A setting for the behavior of the automatic camera before started a level would be great.
The other controls for Kings of Parking 3D are otherwise very well done, even if the player goes through a certain learning curve at the start of the game. After a few minutes of play, the controls are no longer a problem and a high score can be achieved.
The graphics were also very well done, though at times the corners and edges of the game would disappear.
Speed & StabilityDuring our testing period, no crashes at Kings of Parking 3D were noticed.
Price/Performance RatioKings of Parking 3D is ad-supported and is available for free. For 99 cents, all the levels can be unlocked. Furthermore, the application is then ad-free.
Kings of Parking 3D is a successful game. Without question, the app is fun, though after a certain time, it can become monotonous. It sometimes seemed as if the application was missing a few finishing touches, like some advanced settings for the automatic camera and a broader fleet. Nevertheless, installing Kings of Parking 3D is worth it.
No comparable apps are currently known to us. If you happen to know one, it would be great if you could get in touch with us.
Developer Tiltgames
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