A little over a week ago, LG “inadvertently” let the world know about the then upcoming LG G Watch R in an unpublished teaser video that was found on its YouTube page. Since then, the round-faced smartwatch has now officially been revealed. Similarly, Samsung recently unveiled Samsung Gear S smartwatch. To help you decide which one of these next generation smartwatches will earn its place on your wrist, we’ve gone ahead and added forums for both devices.
First up, we have the new, round-faced LG G Watch R. The “R” comes as the successor to the highly successful LG G Watch and it’s due for release in Q4 2014. The standout feature of the G Watch R is the round face, and the fact the 1.3? P-OLED 320 x 320 display covers the entire surface of the watch face. The device is powered by a Snapdragon 400 1.2GHz processor, 512MB of RAM and 4GB internal storage. Connectivity to other Android devices is via Bluetooth. The G Watch R is powered by a 410mAH battery and is IP67 dust and water-resistant.
Samsung also made waves when it recently announced the upcoming Samsung Gear S. The Samsung Gear S is Samsung’s latest foray into the smartwatch market. It features a 2? curved AMOLED display with a resolution of 480 x 360. It’s powered by a 1GHz dual-core processor, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage. Other features crammed into this Tizen-powered smartwatch include quad-band 2G/3G, Bluetooth, WiF1 a/b/g/n, GPS and USB2.0. It can also be used to make and receive calls using an additional unique Samsung headset, the Samsung Gear Circle. All this is powered by a 300mAh battery.
So have either of these smartwatches earned a place on your wrist, or are you still waiting on the Moto 360? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to head over to the newly created forums below!
LG G Watch RSamsung Gear SView the original article here
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