Ever since Google unveiled Android Wear earlier this year, the first Android Wear-powered smartwatches have been practically all that people are talking about when it comes to wearables. Android Wear, however, is obviously not Google’s first stab at the wearables market. Launched last year in limited release form, Google Glass has taken somewhat of a backseat in the public’s eye. Luckily, this doesn’t mean that Google’s slowing down in bringing innovative and new features to the platform.
Earlier today, Google announced the release of the Google Glass XE20.1 update. Building atop the previous XE19.1 release, today’s update brings many new features. Most notably, users are given a new and improved contacts interface where all of your contacts are now available through Glass, with up to 20 of your most recent and starred contacts being especially convenient for quick and easy voice access. Beyond those first twenty, the rest are just a swipe away. Users are now able to configure the Head Nudge display off feature in its own card within the settings bundle. This is notably distinct from the preexisting Head Wake Up feature. In addition, Glass now offers new cards such as one that looks for nearby events such as concerts, as well as another card that can convert currency right from your Glass display. Finally, XE20.1 also brings several new voice actions to help you stay hands free when in a phone call and after recording a video or taking a picture.
Unfortunately, the update doesn’t seem to be making its way out to consumer devices just yet. As such, we haven’t gotten our hands on the OTA and factory images at this time. However, once it’s been captured, you can be sure to find the link over in XDA Recognized Contributor TheManii‘s Google Glass Firmware Reference Thread.
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