In the last few weeks, we’ve been writing a lot about Sony Xperia devices. The Xperia UI has quite a few fans because of its nice aesthetic design and functionality. Unfortunately, this UI is only available on Sony devices, and not many developers have decided to port Xperia ROMs to other devices.
If you are a fan of the Sony Xperia UI, XDA Senior Member naheel azawy shared his resources and wrote a handy guide showing you how to transform the AOSP framework into the one used in Xperia ROMs. The transformation process isn’t the easiest one, as you have to use APKTool to decompile files. The guide explains the whole process step-by-step, and shows possible troubleshooting steps and issues. After applying resources and re-compiling, the newly modified framework should be ready to sideload back onto your device.
If you want to use it on your device, ensure that it’s rooted and your ROM is as close to AOSP as possible. It should work flawlessly with Omni, CyanogenMod, and other AOSP-based ROMs. Be sure to have a copy of your current frameworks-res.apk in case of any trouble.
To learn more about transforming your ROM into an Xperia-like one, visit the Theme your framework-res to Xperia style for all AOSP KitKat guide thread.
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