Late August 27, LG officially took the wraps off their second Android Wear wearable. The LG G Watch R is a round smartwatch, and bears slightly better specifications than the original G Watch it launched earlier in 2014. Unfortunately, the manufacturer didn’t elaborate on an exact launch date, or how much the new smartwatch will cost when it finally does arrive on the market. A German press release may have spilled the beans, though.

According to the press release, which was surfaced by Android Police, the G Watch R will reportedly cost around 299 euro. That means, if it is true, that it will run about 100 euro more than the original G Watch:

“The LG G Watch R will be available in Germany from October at a recommended retail price of 299 euros. At IFA in Berlin Until September 10 at the LG booth in Hall 11.2 already admire the G Watch R on 5.“

This is telling for the device in general, even if it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see the same kind of pricing scheme in the United States. The LG G Watch is currently being sold through the Google Play Store for $229, and the G Watch R will certainly be more expensive than that. But $100 more expensive? We will have to wait and find out.

How much would you be willing to pay for the G Watch R?

[Via Android Police; LG]

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