Samsung has been busy teasing the Galaxy Note 4, with two videos focused on the S Pen and the features therein. It makes sense, considering the company will be unveiling the new flagship device on September 3. And now a new report is outlining some new features that could be tied into the fingerprint sensor coming to the new handset.
According to a report published by SamMobile, the new fingerprint sensor will not only utilize Natural ID technology from Synaptics, which debuted with the Galaxy S5, there should be new features tied in as well. One of the new features is tied to the applications on your device, and making it possible to launch right into them. Specifically, you’ll be able to program the fingerprint sensor to open up a specific application with just the swipe of a finger. So, if you want your text messages to open by swiping your right thumb, you can make that happen.
The other important new feature will tie directly into websites, and allow you to sign into them quickly. If you come to a site that requires log-in information, like Amazon for instance, and when you need to input the important information again, you can just swipe your finger and it will load right in.
What’s more, these features are apparently going to get passed down to the Galaxy S5 at some point in the future as well, so it won’t just be the Galaxy Note 4 owners out there that get all the new fun.
Are you planning on picking up the Galaxy Note 4?
[via SamMobile]
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