Keep Up to Date with Your Finances with Pocket Book

It happens to the best of us. No, not that... Well, maybe that too, but what I’m really talking about is being so busy with your day-to-day life that you forget to keep track of your finances. This endemic is only getting worse as we progress in this perpetually busy age, thanks to the growing number of recurring bills and multiple sources of income from separate jobs. Thanks to XDA Recognized Developer bartito, there is now yet another tool available to help you better keep track of your finances, no matter how complex.

The aptly titled Pocket Book / Currency Convert does exactly what its title would lead you to believe. It keeps track of your recurring expenses and sources of income. You can add all of these credits and debits into the app, along with their payment schedule and receive notifications when a payment or expense is scheduled to post. And given that our world is growing increasingly connected, these expenses and sources of income can be inputted in any currency of your choosing, thanks to real-time currency conversion courtesy of Yahoo’s servers. And in addition to simply keeping track and scheduling your bills and sources of income in any currency of your choosing, the application also allows you to browse currency conversion rates, their evolution over time, and manually convert between currencies.

Pocket Book / Currency Convert is quite a useful tool if you have a difficult time managing many sources of income and recurring expenses, especially if you deal with more than one currency. Make your way over to the application thread to take charge of your finances.

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