Andreas Göransson to Talk Building Wearable Apps at XDA:DevCon 2014

This year’s xda:devcon 2014 is certainly shaping up to include plenty of discussions about wearables. And why not? Wearables are a big topic right now, and developers are looking into how to develop for this platform.

Today, we are happy to announce another great speaker who will be at xda:devcon ’14. A published author and researcher who has been developing wearable projects for the past 5 years together with his friends and colleagues at Malmö University and Aarhus University, Andreas Göransson will be talking software development. During the day he teaches computer related courses to both engineering and design students at Malmö University and during the evening he solves programming problems of various kinds. He is interested in open source projects and gets involved when he has a chance.

At xda:devcon ’13, published author and educator Mark Murphy gave a presentation entitled “Plugin Architectures for Android.” In his presentation, Murphy talk about how the best way to expand the capabilities of your app without impacting core functionality is to build plugins and make your app plugin-capable. Check out the video to see his presentation on this video from last year.

This year, Göransson offers up another excellent presentation talking about software development using software development kits. This time wearables will be the focus. Wearable computing is a concept that has grown popular the recent years with devices such as interactive glasses, lifelogging cameras, smartwatches, wearable sensors, and more. Since Google IO 2014, many more SDKs are available to play with, if you’re interested in the new Wear SDK this session is for you. This talk will cover SDK development including notifications, apps, design, and more.

Join us September 26 to 28 in Manchester for XDA:DevCon 2014. Register to attend using this link for exclusive savings. Hurry, as the Early Bird registration ends August 1st.

View the original article here
