For Android users, the ADB TOOL is great tool to do things like: Flash Kernel, Flash Radio, Flash Recovery, Unlock relock, injected applications directly to System .... All these things are done by the command. To do this you must have:

1. Download the Tool: ADB_Flash_Tool in HERE
* Extract on PC or Laptop

2. Radio Files , Recovery, Kernel, Unlock_code.bin .... to flash on your device, then copy it to the folder with ADB_Flash_Tool

3. On your android devices:
* Check on USB Debugging  box in Settings / Developer Tools
* Uncheck Fast Boot box in Settings  / Power
* Turn your device on Fastboot mode:
- Turn off your phone
- Hold down the Volume Down and press Power
- Continuing to hold Volume Down until the screen appears Bootloader
- And they came into Bootloader mode then press Power for entering Fastboot mode
- Connect your phone to your computer Connect >>> when it connects successfully, A "USB" letters  will appear next  red "Fastboot" letters >>> Ready for use ADB_Flash_Tool

- You run Flash.bat file in the ADB_Flash_Tool  folder and use these commands for your purpose

The basic commands in Fastboot with ADB Tool:

* Check to make sure that divece has a USB connection to a computer or not

fastboot devices

If the devices connected to the computer, then on the CMD window will show serial number of your phone

* Flash Recovery:

fastboot flash recovery XXX.img

XXX is the name of the Recovery that flash into your phone

* Flash Radio:

fastboot flash radio XXX.img

XXX is the name of the Radio

* Flash Kernel (boot.img)

fastboot flash boot XXX.img

XXX is the name of the Kernel

* Fixed error that restart consecutively and don't go to Home sceen after upgrading room

fastboot erase cache

* Unlock device with unlock_code.bin file (HTCdev)

fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin

* Relock the device for upgradind Rom Ship (If your device is unlocked with HTCdev)

fastboot oem lock

* Check the device's CID code

fastboot getvar cid

* Change the device's CID code

fastboot oem writecid XXX__XXX

XXX__XXX is CID code that you want to change

* Restart the device from Fastboot (Example after Flash Recovery, Radio, Kernel ...)

fastboot reboot

* Or want to reboot the bootloader:

fastboot reboot-bootloader